Laboratory Services
IES maintains a fully accredited commercial environmental laboratory that is regulated under the National Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Program (NELAP). IES employs a team of scientists that operate and manage the laboratory. All samples are analyzed using 40CFR136 approved methodology. Quality Control/Quality Assurance measures are implemented for all samples including control sample monitoring, matrix duplicates and spikes, laboratory fortified blanks, sample tracking, chemical and reagent tracking, and laboratory quality control data trending. The IES laboratory is an ancillary part of its operations and allows for quicker turnaround times for sample analysis, reduction in costs, and logistical efficiency. IES has been operating its own laboratory since 1994, and processes hundreds of environmental, drinking water, and soil samples monthly.

If you don’t see the analysis, you are looking for, IES partners with other VELAP accredited laboratories to meet your specific testing requirements!
Lab Tests Available
Soil Nitrate | Alkalinity | BOD5/CBOD5 |
Chloride | Chemical Oxygen Demand | Conductivity |
Total Hardness | Ammonia | Nitrate and Nitrite |
TKN | Ortho Phosphorus | Total Phosphorus |
TSS/TDS/TVS | Sulfate | E. Coli |
Drinking Water Bacteria | Oil and Grease | Fecal Coliform |