Town of Hillsboro Wastewater Treatment and Collection

-Hillsboro, VA

All buildings in the historic Town of Hillsboro (Loudoun County, Virginia) were served by failing or marginal septic systems.  IES is working with Volkert Inc. on designing the wastewater collection system and treatment system for over 50 residential and commercial properties in Town of Hillsboro. The project is part of a larger upgrade of road, communications, water, and power infrastructure upgrades performed within the town as part of the Rethink9 project for VA Route 9. The sewage collection system will consist of individual grinder pump stations for each property and a common pressure sewer.  The wastewater system is designed to discharge high quality effluent while minimizing odor, visual, and auditory impacts, which is important due to proximity to entry road and local market and café. Projected completion date is 2022.